Saturday, June 13, 2015

Summer Reading List

Summer, for teachers, can mean a lot of different things. For means that I can catch up on some much needed/desired reading! I am joining Lucky to Be in First and sharing my summer reads!

The past month has been a whirlwind for me thanks to graduating with my Master's, wrapping up my fourth year of teaching, getting married, and traveling to Italy for an amazing honeymoon. When we got back home to the states, the first thing I did was sleep and then I headed to the library. It was time to get started on my summer reading list.

One of my biggest "teaching" passions is to share my love for reading with my kiddos. Reading ANYTHING can open so many doors for us, and I hate to see children despise picking up reading material. After four years in second grade, I was finally getting a handle on what made 7/8 year olds "click" with books. Now, I am transitioning to the 5th grade, and I know that I am going to have to play catch up and make sure that I am up to date on the different types of children's lit that comes with teaching older students.

Thankfully, I have some awesome upper elementary friends who share books that they are reading in class with their students all the time. My friend Stacey at Literacy for Big Kids is my go-to resource for what books need to be on my shelves and in my hands. Be sure to head over to her blog and follow her on IG to keep up with the latest and greatest children and young adult books!

Here is my collection to read or reread so far. It is a mixture from my own childhood collection, the local library, and used book stores. 

I have so many more on my "list" but these will get me started off nicely! I have already read The One and Only Ivan, Esperanza Rising, and reread Tuck Everlasting. I can PROMISE you that if you have not read Ivan or it NOW. Ivan especially. I have been told that the audio book is fabulous, and the story was beautiful. I can't put into words how wonderful the literature piece is. You will just have to read it for yourself. 

I also got my first Amazon order of personal professional development books for the summer in the mail today, and I could not be more excited. I loved The Book Whisperer and cannot wait to read  Reading in the Wild. My highlighter and pen are ready to mark that lovely text up. that I have shown the start to my summer reading are my books I still want to read and ones that you SHOULD read. 

Like have to go read these if you haven't. I mean I can't force you....but just do it. 

I am going to be pretty busy for the next few weeks! If you need me...I will be the lady with the messy hair bun and coffee mug in hand who is curled up in a corner with her nose in a book. 

Happy Reading! 


  1. Girl, you have had a crazy month. Congrats on your wedding!! Italy sounds AMAZING!!!!!

    Kristy and Misty from Teaching Times 2

  2. OHHHH, and your masters! I can't forget that.Sounds like you need to relax with a book.

    Kristy and Misty from Teaching Times 2

  3. Wow - congrats on the wedding, Masters and surviving the end of school! I'm impressed you have the energy to pick up any book that's not an US Weekly :) Great list of books! I can't wait to check 'em out on Amazon now!!

    ☘ Molly
    Lucky to Be in First

  4. I always love hearing what other are reading or plan to read, especially when we have shared book interests. I read The Book Whisper this year and really enjoyed it. I'm thinking. I need to add Reading in the Wild to my reading list now! Thanks for the feat suggestions, can't wait to hear what you think of them.

    The Chalkboard Garden

  5. OMG! I was just introduced to The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane this year by my colleagues. I did it as a daily read aloud to my 3rd graders and they loved it! You will too =) I also read The One and Only Ivan to my class. I had a kiddo named Ivan so you can imagine the hoot.

    A LoveLi Class

  6. So excited to read that you'll be moving up to 5th! The 2015-2016 school year will be my third year teaching 5th. You have a lot of GREAT books! I will be teaching ELA and SS this coming year and hope to integrate because there are lots of wonderful historical fiction texts that match standards perfectly! I'm not sure what your SS standards are, but I'd be happy to share any historical fiction texts that would match! :)

  7. This post just makes me SO HAPPY. I'm so glad you like seeing my recommendations and I'm so glad that you're going to be in 5th grade this year. You're going to LOVE IT! I already can't wait to get back to 5th. The books for this age group are just TOO amazing.

    Thanks for the shoutout. Keep up the reading!! <3


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