Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Book Study: Worksheets Don't Grow Dendrites: Chapter 16

Happy Tuesday! I am so excited to be participating in the fabulous book study using Marcia Tate's text- Worksheets Don't Grow Dendrites

This week is all about chapter 16 and technology. I was super excited when Elizabeth from Kickin' It In Kindergarten asked me to host this chapter because I LOVE technology, and I am slightly obsessed with using technology tools and resources in the classroom. However, after reading this chapter of the book, I had some major reflection time on just how I am exactly using technology in my classroom. Marcia says that technology is crucial but that this strategy(technology)should be evenly balanced with her other 19 strategies. She points out that too many students in today's society are caught up in the tech phase and losing the important interpersonal relationships that human and social interaction can give them.

Here is what I pulled from this chapter that I wanted to share.

The possibilities that technology can open up for classroom learning are endless. However, I think that it is important to remember that technology is not meant to be a replacement to teaching. I want to make sure that the technology that I am implementing in my classroom is an enhancement to our already rigorous learning environment. The technology that we use should be an extension to learning instead of a replacement. 

It is easy to place an app in front of a student and walk away. Sometimes, apps that mirror the "drill and practice" approach have their place in the classroom. Some of my favorites include Splash Math, and Bluster. Is this type of tech use okay? OF COURSE!!! But, is it the only way to use technology in the classroom? NO!! 

I have been so excited with how well my students have embraced technology and how comfortable they are getting with using tech tools to support learning that is STUDENT-LED! A lot of the tech tools that we use are through the iPad, laptops, and our SmartBoard. The students use the internet to research and documents such as Word or Google Drive to create documents sharing their research. 

I could write a whole blog on technology, but here are some ideas on how we use it in the classroom. I am sharing these specific examples, because I feel that it aligns with Marcia Tate's belief that technology has the power to enhance relationships. 

We reach out to other students across the United States and chat with them. The students are pulling in a lot of standards and skills as well as working on building relationships with other students whose lives and experiences are very different from ours.  

We use Google Drive to make voting more interesting.

We work in small groups to compile research and then write rough drafts and conference with peers and teachers on our work through Google Docs.

We use our SmartBoard to stream GoNoodle and be active throughout the day in fun ways. 

All of these technology extensions take every day learning and require students to apply their understanding of skills and concepts in another way. I am so excited about what technology has and will continue to do for my students. After this chapter, I am challenging myself to continue to brainstorm purposeful ways to use technology in my classroom. 

What did you think of the chapter? 
Link up below and be sure to check out the rest of the book study schedule! 

Mrs. Wills Kindergarten Chapter 17 (April 25th)
Little Warriors Chapter 18 (April 28th)
Falling Into First Chapter 19 (May 2nd)
Kickin’ it in Kindergarten Chapter 20 (May 5th)


  1. I love the different ways that you incorporate technology in your classroom. I especially love that you use it to connect your students to other students across the country. That is AWESOME!!!

    Adventures of a Schoolmarm



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