Tuesday, June 23, 2015

TPT Seller Challenge Week 2: Dare to Dream

As I sit here writing this post, I am currently outside on my in-laws' deck watching the sun set over the beautiful lake. It's peaceful, calming, rejuvenating, and simply euphoric. The best part? The hubs and I have our own lot now right beside theirs which means the view could be mine one day. It has been my husband's dream to live out here, and I want to help make that dream come true to him. That's why I LOVE this week's TPT Seller Challenge. It has made me really reflect on specific goals and dreams. This week's challenge is all about dreaming big!

 My husband and I have so may goals and dreams and I really want to see all of that come to life. We are so passionate about what we do, and I know that we can do BIG things together as a couple and as individuals. I am so fortunate to have a profession that I LOVE, a husband and family who believe in me and support me 110%, and a community of educators who are the best cheerleading section a girl could ask for. They have given me so much and I want to be able to give back to them. I really hope that I can use TPT to help me set some goals in my personal and professional life. I have dared to dream up some big ones! Here are my dreams... 

BUILD OUR LAKE HOUSE: As I mentioned above, building on the lake would be a dream come true for us. It is a place where I can rewind, reflect, and maybe raise a family one day. With my teacher's salary and the hubs' firefighter salary, we are going to need all the extra income and support that we can get. We both already work two second jobs! I hope that I can create some quality products for me and my students this year that can be shared with other teachers eventually! 

PAY OFF THE CAR: I know that this is a goal that I can accomplish! I have already bought one brand new car and paid it off all on my own. I upgraded to a "new" to me car a few years ago and know that getting rid of the monthly car payment would be a huge help to us!

SEND MY PARENTS ON VACATION: Growing up, my parents gave my brother and me the world. We played sports..travel ball and year-round swimming for around 12 years. Traveling so much was expensive so we often called those sports trips our "vacations". My dad was in the Navy during all of my childhood and he also works a 3rd shift job so we haven't been on a true "family" vacation since I was about 6 or 7. I would love to be able to give my parents a true vacation like a cruise or a fun destination getaway. Dear Mom..if you a reading this...you better be ready for that phone call. It is going to happen one day. You both deserve it! 

PAY FOR HUBS' COLLEGE:  I was super fortunate to make it all the way through my undergrad and grad school with NO debt. It wasn't easy, and I had some angels helping me out along the way. My husband has paid off his school debt once and, now that he is going back to school, we want to pay for his college without taking out loans!

 I have big goals for my Teachers Pay Teachers journey in the future that go way beyond the goals that I have listed above. I look back at when I started this whole blogging/creating adventure a little under two years ago and smile because I see what all I have gained just by taking the leap and jumping into it full force. 

 Rachel Lynette said in one of her Vegas sessions last year that finding your TpT/Creating "niche" will help you create products that teachers in the classroom need/want. I haven't found my niche yet, and that's okay. I really look forward to my new journey in 5th grade because I hope that I can bring new ideas and products in my new classroom experience. Maybe..just maybe... the things that I create for my kiddos this year will help other students and teachers around the world. 

 For me....TpT will always be about the bonds that I have established with other educators. There is no paycheck, "cha-ching" sound, or price tag that can top that. I LOVE my blogging friends to the moon and back and I am a better individual because of them, and my number one dream is to be able to give that feeling to someone else. I DARE to DREAM that my simple blog posts, TPT products, social media posts, and self can bring joy, love, and passion for our profession and ourselves just like other TpTers have brought to me.

That is my true dream for this journey. 

Peppy Zesty Teacherista
Sparkling in Second


  1. Wow- the lake looks beautiful and sounds dreamy! We're about to head to a lake for a week on vacation and I can't wait! I hope that you can build your lake house and accomplish the rest of your dreams! :)

  2. Beautiful East Tennessee view! I know you will make all those dreams come true!

  3. Girlfriend! I love your goals! I'm so glad your family and hubs support you and I know you will support them with these dreams!

  4. Your goals are great! A lake house sounds soooo amazing. I wish you all the luck in your new journey into 5th grade and I look forward to seeing some new products in your TPT store :)

    Get Your Science on in Room 701

  5. Thanks so much for letting us read about your dreams! Reading about sending your parents on a vacation gave me goose bumps. What a wonderful gift to strive for. I hope you can do that soon! Good luck!
    Our Elementary Lives

  6. I hope you get that lake house! I know you would love it! I hope 5th grade is wonderful next year. Congratulations on your wedding!

  7. LOVE your dreams!!! I think all is within your reach for sure! Best of luck going to 5th grade!

    Becky from CookingUpSuccess

  8. A house on the lake would be a dream come true for me too! I love the last paragraph of your post. I feel like blogging (or reading blogs, rather) has made me a better teacher, for sure. Good luck :-)

  9. I would LOVE a lake house...or a beach house...or a river house. Water is always so soothing. Best of luck on achieving your dreams!


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