Sunday, December 1, 2013

Classroom Random Acts of Kindness

Happy Sunday! 

Today I am doing a quick(because it is the last day of Thanksgiving break and still have so much to do!) post about a freebie that will be making an appearance in my classroom starting tomorrow. Get excited! 

Each year, my students and I participate in a classroom R.A.K.(random acts of kindness). I do it every day in December. The students come in each morning, and we check our R.A.K. bag for our kindness goal of the day. Some days it is a simple act such as saying thank you. Other days, it requires more thought such as giving the custodians a written card. I have really stepped up the amount of writing that my second graders are doing this year so I wanted to incorporate some writing with our RAK this season.  I created this R.A.K. journal so that my students could record their daily acts of kindness and reflect on the importance of that act. I am really big on sentence stems like "_____ because ____" so you can be sure that my students will be asked to use something like that in their writing with this journal.
I will be using Kindertastic's Light 'em up packet(freebie) for our daily acts of kindness as well as throwing in some of my own. 

Ready for your freebies?!?!
Go to my TPT store or click here and here to find the journal and some bag tags! The journals have different pages that can be used with students grade K-5!

Happy December!

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I LOVE hearing from you! Thanks for leaving me a note! :)