Friday, November 29, 2013

Playing Catch Up AND a Holiday Freebie!

Happy Holiday Season to all of my blogging friends and readers! I have spent the last month and a half trying to tackle my classroom responsibilities as well as new coaching responsibilities that kind of just fell into my lap unexpectedly. But, many times it is the unexpected things that can bring us much joy! During the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, I am constantly reminded as to how blessed I really am even when the crazy and stress seems to be ever present! The holidays always make me smile, and yesterday was no exception. I always love seeing the little brother(who is growing out a ridiculous beard LOL). 

We only had a two day school week because of the holiday season. We had just finished up our geometry unit, but I wasn't quite ready to begin a new skill. So, I found the cute symmetrical turkeys idea on Pinterest (inspired by The First Grade Parade), and decided to give it a shot. I am so thrilled with how well they turned out, and I was even more impressed with how well the kiddos seemed to grasp the concept of symmetry.Check out these beauties!

 Before I wrap up today, I have a freebie to share with you! My IG friend Magic, Mistakes, and Mayhem   has posted some CUTE Christmas clipart, and holiday break has allowed me to create a freebie for you. We are getting ready to work on abbreviations in class. Hopefully you find this helpful as a quick center or small group review. Please click here to download, and don't forget to leave me some feedback!

Over the next week, I plan on highlighting some of my classroom seasonal favorites AND jump in on the Elf on the Shelf linky party. Last year was the first year that my students had Duende' the elf visit us, and I cannot wait for him to make his yearly appearance again on Monday!

Have a fabulous Friday!

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