Friday, July 5, 2013

Favorite Pins Friday

I hope everyone had a great 4th of July!! I spent it driving in a car with my puppy for 13 hours. It rained back at home all day so I didn't really miss out on much. And, driving across 6 states reminded me just how beautiful our nation is and how grateful I am to have the freedom to just hop in my car and drive when/where I want. Love the USA.

I am a Pinaholic..not gonna lie. I am on Pinterest ALL the time. But, to be fair...I really do make  a lot of the things I pin. 
Thanks Cara from The First Grade Parade for your linky!
Here are my top 5 pins from this week!

Food- I love Mexican food. Like..could eat it breakfast lunch and dinner love it. Yummm! So, when I ran across this recipe I just knew I had to try it! And, it was fabulous.

Fashion- This outfit  looks so fun! I am loving the color combo! 


I also ADORE this TN necklace. It is on my Etsy wish list for sure. 

Decor- I bought a chalkboard to use as a welcome/information board at school. But, my handwriting so lacks talent. I am adoring this tutorial on how to make chalkboard lettering.

 Classroom Fun- I saw this idea on Pinterest and instantly fell in love with it. I cannot wait to put these together for my kiddos this year. What a creative idea!! Thank you Teach-A-Roo for your fantastic idea!

Don't forget to follow me on Pinterest to see what else I am pinning!!
I can't wait to check out what everyone else is pinning! Happy Friday and have a fabulous weekend!


  1. I am LOVING the Tennessee necklace! I love TN so very much!

  2. Love your blog! I'm your newest follower!!!


    One Fab Teacher

  3. Such CUTE pins! I am nominating you for the Liebster Award! Visit my post for details. (:

    Tailor-made Teaching


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