Monday, July 8, 2013

Back to School Postcards

Monday Made It

So, this is going to be a brief post. I am in New York(unfortunately, NOT NYC) spending lots of much needed time with my extended family. I have been busy, but I wanted to hop in on the linky party with Tara today and send a freebie your way.

Last year, I made postcards for my kiddos to send them at the beginning of the year. I don't get my class list in time to send it out to the students before I meet them on registration day so I usually put them in the mail the day after I meet them.

I have had so much fun playing with different versions of these postcards. I love making that first positive connection with them and who doesn't love getting something in the mail (that is not a BILL!)?!? :)

Click here(chevron) or here(orange) to head to my TPT store to grab your postcard freebies!

Do you send back to school postcards?

Have a happy Monday!


  1. Replies
    1. You're very creative! I nominated you for the fun "get to know you" Liebster Award! Check it out on my post

  2. These are cute! :) Do you write a handwritten note on each one?

    Creative Ideas for the Upper Elementary Classroom

    1. I do! I write a note to each student by hand.


  3. So cute and thoughtful and I would LOVE to do this but we don't get our lists until a few days before open house:/ Thanks for linking up and sharing:)

    4th Grade Frolics

  4. Hi Sarah! I nominated your blog for an award! Check out my blog for more info.

    The Teacher and the Frog

  5. Aw these are ADORABLE! I am so absolutely going to use one for next year! Thanks so much for sharing them. :)

    Reaching for the TOP!

  6. Hi Sarah! I'm a TN blogger named Sara, also!
    I decided a few weeks ago that I will be sending my students postcards this year, as well!

  7. Thank you for sharing! I can't wait to print the orange ones. My kiddos will love them! I am your newest follower from "Monday Made It".
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

  8. I love these post cards. My team and I send home letters, but I am liking the postcard format so much more. Thank you for the idea!

  9. I linked up with Monday Made It. I love the postcards! Very cute! I am a new follower. :-D

    A Tender Teacher for Special Needs


I LOVE hearing from you! Thanks for leaving me a note! :)