Saturday, May 14, 2016

I'm Not Say Goodbye

I know that summer is getting close for many teachers and students. 

Many of us are just days away from the end of the year.

But, I am NOT ready to say goodbye. 

This happens every year. There are countdowns, end-of-the-year celebrations. Parties. And, I am just barely holding it together. I don't want to do countdowns. 

I don't want to celebrate saying goodbye. I don't do goodbyes well. 

Each year, these students become my family, and I am not ready to send them on.

I literally could cry if I really let myself think about just how much time I actually have left with my students. 

This year has been magical. 

It has been beautiful. 

The new grade level has been challenging. 

Some days I thought that I was the worst teacher in the world and other days I felt we had it going on!

Did I mention that this year was magical?

I don't want it to end. 

I love these students. I am going to miss them writing on our message board. 

I am going to miss our morning meetings...

the crazy, random things they would say..

the conversations...

the lessons we learned together.

I am going to miss the hugs,

the smiles, 

the successes and the failures, 

the moments where they overcame fears, 

and accomplished amazing things.

Yes, there are lots of things about this year's 5th grade class that I will miss. 

But, above the sadness is something bigger. 

I am PROUD! 

I am so proud of every single one of the 43 kiddos who were a part of our classroom this year. 

I look back and reflect on the year and cannot help but be so stinking excited about everything that they have accomplished. 

These kiddos are rockstars, and they are going to do BIG things in the future. 

They are going places!

And, it has been an honor to be their teacher and a part of their educational journey. 

These kiddos have touched my heart and for that....I am forever grateful. 

The end of the school year is not goodbye. It is just the end of one small part of their adventure. 

Until we meet again kiddos. I love you all. 

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