Thursday, January 7, 2016

ITeachTVNetwork and Teach Happy Membership

As I reflect on the teaching aspect of my life in 2015 and get ready to make 2016 awesome, I realize that so much of who I am in my teaching life is in thanks to my amazing kiddos, colleagues and the entire teaching/blogging/social media society.

Collaboration-both listening and sharing is such a huge part of who I am as a teacher so I wanted to share two of my favorite collaboration opportunities with you.

Are you looking for quick tips, tricks, and ideas to incorporate in your classroom and personal life?  I am in awe of the talent, love, passion, knowledge that teachers share on the ITeachTVNetwork and am grateful for the opportunity to share on my own segment each Sunday night! 

Teachers have taken over Periscope and to bring you weekly shows on the ITeachTVNetwork. If you have not already checked out this resource then I highly encourage you to do so and join me each Sunday night for our segment on how to Make Learning FUN! 

I cannot say enough amazing things about Sheila Jane and the teaching community that she supports and encourages. For a small monthly price, you can join a network of supportive educators, participate in challenges and tasks that interest YOU, join book clubs, participate in grade level chats, learn how to BE HAPPY, and just find overall teaching and living happiness though the Teach Happy Membership and Community. 

Go explore the Teach Happy Membership and check out some of the freebies offered then JOIN the community with us! I promise that you will LOVE IT!

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