Monday, January 5, 2015

Monday's Moment- inspiration from the heart

This is going to be one of those "raw" posts so brace yourself!

Last summer, I was extremely blessed to attend the Teachers Pay Teachers conference in Las Vegas. It was exceptional on so many levels. One of the biggest things that I took away from trip came from Rachel Lynette's session as she talked about teacher creators finding their creating "niche". Her niche is task cards. She is the task card queen and you better believe that if I am looking for a task card then I am going to head to her store first. Angie from Lucky Little Learners has found her niche in her brag tags and interactive notebooks.

Little old me has been patiently waiting for me to find my creating niche. Maybe it will happen one day. But, in all reality, I am okay if that never happens. I have said from the very beginning of my teaching journey that one of my favorite things to do is find what works for educators and then brag on them and share their ideas with as many people as possible in hopes of helping other teachers. 

Like..I REALLY enjoy it. And, that has been the goal of my blog from the beginning. I want to show you what and whose creations I am using in my classroom and how. I think that this might be my niche. There are so many teachers and educators out there who are AMAZING at seeing a need, creating it, and sharing it with others so that we can use it too. I mean it when I say that I love each of you for the gifts that you have been given and the generosity within you to share those gifts with there rest of us. 

I know that I am a better teacher because of you. SO thank you big. 

I really enjoy motivating and encouraging other teachers, and I know that it is easy to get bogged down and defeated. Those challenging situations that we are sometimes faced with can be taxing. It is nice and necessary for educators to be reminded of how fabulous, awesome, and essential you all are. I don't want you to forget about your love and passion for our job. 

So, with all that said....I made it my goal in 2015 to take a slight turn in my blogging and social media journey. Each week, I am going to be sharing a "Monday's Moment" on my social media accounts. I had planned on keeping it on Facebook, but I have had several individuals ask me to post it on here as well. We will give it a whirl and see how it goes!

The Monday's Moment videos have one goal-to share my passion for teaching with you. The videos will be 5 minutes or less(unless I get sidetracked!) and talk about thoughts, quotes, tasks, or any other random thing I can throw in there for you. I want you to connect with me for a few minutes and leave the video smiling and feeling as if you can walk into your classroom for the upcoming week and tackle anything and everything. 

Even if just ONE teacher watches it and smiles then I will consider my mission accomplished. 

I get so stinking excited just thinking about what this year has in store for the Monday's Moment videos, and I have already aired two of them on my Facebook page. 

You can view today's video below.
And, I just laugh hysterically when I see the freeze frame for this video. I will have to work on that for next week. Oy!

I would really love for you to participate in the Post-it note challenge that I mentioned in the video and then share with me the motivational note that you left yourself. You can snap a picture and tag me on Instagram with #mymondaymoment or you can leave me a photo on my Facebook page. 

It would seriously make my night. 


GO move mountains this week folks! Inspire yourself. Inspire others. GO DO YOUR THING!


  1. I just love this! I so look forward to your weekly motivation and inspiration! I'm already thinking about who to give a sticky note to!!!!



  2. Sarah, you are amazing!! Thank you for this!! I can't wait to go to work tomorrow and leave a post it note for someone!! I'm so glad I just found a secret stash of post it notes at home yesterday too!!

    Mrs. 3rd Grade 

  3. Sarah, I'm so glad the blogging and TpT world brought us together!!! You are so genuine!! Can't wait to follow you along with your Monday Moments!!! Getting my post-its ready too!!! Can't wait to see you in 2 months!!!!!!! :)

    All Things Apple in 2nd

  4. I found myself on your blog and stumbled across this post and thought...HOW DID I MISS THIS? I see and share out your Monday's Moments every week but somehow I missed this post! Thank you for sharing out my link and for the Interactive Notebook/Brag Tag Niche shout out! You are so sweet! Keep up the videos...I seriously look forward to them every week! I'm looking forward to hanging out with you in just a few weeks!!!


I LOVE hearing from you! Thanks for leaving me a note! :)