Sunday, December 14, 2014

Do You Have Your Glasses?

My classroom has a simple, yet consistent morning routine. Every morning, I stand at the door with my classroom greeter, and we welcome everyone into the classroom. The students hang up their backpacks, find their seats, and begin their morning work. I tackle lunch count and attendance while the students wrap up their morning activities and responsibilities. 

We have worked very hard to establish our routines and to maintain that consistency. However, even though it is December, there are still little things that I am having to remind the students about. The number one reminder that I seem to give my students on a daily basis is "Where are your glasses?". I either get a smile from a student as he/she heads back to the backpack cart to retrieve the forgotten glasses or a frown because the student didn't remember to bring the glasses to school. 

Finally, I decided that something had to be done. My sweet kiddos NEED their glasses, and I want them to be responsible and learn to get their glasses out without me having to remind them. I won't be with them forever, and I can't promise that someone will always be there to remind them to wear them. 

I was sitting in the middle of my fiancé's high school swim meet this last week and realized that we needed a classroom glasses sign. The annual TPT sale had just finished, and I snagged some adorable clipart from Melonheadz that I was dying to use. We use signs for tons of things in the classroom so why not use one to help the students remember their glasses?

Here is the finished product. There is a sign hanging over our classroom sink, one that is attached to our backpack cart that is literally RIGHT there in front of them as they walk in the classroom, and the students who wear glasses have one taped onto their desk. 

I am happy to say that we went 6 days without me having to remind my students to wear their glasses. I have one kiddo who constantly forgets to even bring the glasses to school. Because of this, I didn't tape a sign to his desk area, and he asked me why he didn't get one. My response was "Oh, you wear glasses? I forgot because you never bring them". He just smiled. He proceeded to wear his glasses for the next two days so I gave him a sign on his desk. #whateverittakes #littlebattles #theywanttosucceedtoo

Do you think that these posters could be a good classroom management resource for you as well? Then, head to my TPT store to grab yourself a free copy or click on the picture below! 

1 comment:

  1. Such a cute idea! I too, find myself asking where are your glasses?
    Thanks for sharing!


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