Monday, December 1, 2014


I am SOOO excited that it is December! This is suppose to be the most wonderful, most magical, and straight fantastical time of the year! So let's make the most of it!

It is an honor to link up with Mrs. Farley from Oh' Boy 4th Grade for her Currently Linky. Here we go!

Listening- For the first time ever, I MAY have had Christmas music playing since last Monday and I just. can't. stop. Oh the horrors of having access to Sirius XM radio!

Loving- I am loving the warm East TN weather that we are experiencing right now. It was down right chilly during November, but the 50/60 degree weather on the forecast for this week looks nice! Recess outside!!!!!

Thinking- I have a few last minute touches that I need to put on my lesson plans before school starts this morning. It is fraction time in the Learning Cottage! Woot!

Wanting- I want to continue to fill up my Cyber TPT sale cart! Any more suggestions before I check out?! My store is on sale, too!

Needing- I need to finish cleaning my house. I bought an awesome rug during a Black Friday sale, and I can't wait to add it to my home office!

Giving- Starting tomorrow, I will have a giveaway on my blog. You could get this adorable pencil scarf! Isn't is just the cutest thing...EVER?!?

Happy December to all of my blogger/educator friends. We are going to have an awesome month!


  1. I love XM radio! I forgot about Pandora on my phone. That scarf is adorable. I completely love it!

  2. I'm addicted to scarves & that is scarf is ADORABLE!!
    I'm so glad I discovered your blog through Currently :)

  3. Replies
    1. I know, right? I freaked out over the cuteness of it the first time I saw it!

  4. Cleaning my house is always on my "needing" category and I don't think I'll ever manage to cross it off!
    The scarf is indeed the cutest! Did you knit it?

    - Lucy

    1. My soon to be aunt actually made it for me! I have no idea how to knit! :)

  5. Love that scarf! Can't wait to come back tomorrow and check it out!! I hope that you've had a great day finding new goodies at the sale!!

    Mrs. 3rd Grade 

    1. My PayPal was looking sad by the time the sale was over because I kept buying and buying!! :)

  6. Oh! I LOVE Pandora Christmas Station!!! It was my wonderful companion all weekend while I painted my house… forget about cleaning right now! Enjoy your TpT shopping. I will be doing the same :)

    1. I wore out TPT during the sale! Hope you had a great time shopping as well!

  7. That's awesome, I love the currently graphic you made. Great job.


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