Friday, September 5, 2014

Our "Champtastic" Week with GoNoodle

If you follow me on IG or Facebook then you know that my teaching world has been all things GoNoodle for the last several weeks. #sorrynotsorry GoNoodle has changed my classroom for the better, and I just can't stop bragging about this awesome group!

I have been desperately patiently waiting to share with you about all of the neat GoNoodle inspired opportunities that have happened in our classroom the last week. My students and I have been very grateful for the opportunity to share and grow together while spreading the knowledge of GoNoodle to other classrooms.

After winning the GoNoodle contest, we were given $1,000 to spend on classroom items, a visit from Holly and Taylor, and a concert from Koo Koo Kangaroo(Seriously y'all- these guys are the best). Since movement, being active and engaged learners, and bringing in more "student choice" chances are all a huge focus in my classroom this year; I wanted to use the prize money to help purchase items for the classroom that embraced our new classroom vision.

After a week of speedy shipping(because I couldn't wait!), the new items made it to my classroom! I purchased 4 Hokki stools, 2 yoga balls, 4 yoga mats, a new couch, a saucer chair, and new nonfiction reading materials for my students.

*New chair that converts into a couch! 

The students love having new seating options for individual work time. It has taken some time getting use to the students spread out all of the room-out of their seats, laying on the floor, rocking on stools, and bouncing up and down on the exercise balls. However, the students are engaged and focused so I consider that a win-win!

Taylor and Holly SPOILED my kiddos, folks. They were given fabulous goodie bags packed to the bring with GoNoodle swag. My students now bring their headbands with them daily, have converted their shoelaces over, and are decked out in Champ tattoos.

Taylor and Holly also stayed that afternoon and decorated my room with some adorable GoNoodle freebies and gear from their blog and store. These ladies were adorable! I hate that the picture is blurry, but this is a snapshot of the ladies creating their first EVER bulletin board. I think they are pros. can come back and do more whenever you want!

I LOVE this "Where Are We Sign?" that the lovely ladies made me. Our classroom special areas reporter is now in charge of selecting our location when we leave or return to our classroom. 

You can read Holly's blog post about her visit to my school here or by clicking on the picture. There are some great classroom photos and GoNoodle decor ideas in the post. 

We continued our "Champtastic" GoNoodle week by having my students and school featured on the front page of the local newspaper and on our local radio station. My students now think that they are famous since everyone considers them the "GoNoodle Kids"!

Today, our students had the opportunity to video tape a segment of us sharing our favorite GoNoodle brain breaks. Our district Coordinated Health director is going to be putting together a commercial for our county. We had the best time, and I cannot wait to see how it turned out. 

Now my students, our school, and the amazing FMES staff are eagerly awaiting our concert from Koo Koo Kangaroo. It is going to be epic.

Shew...what a busy week!


  1. That is SO awesome! I can only imagine how special your kiddos feel! Kudos!
    Sarah from Mrs. Jones Teaches :o)

  2. How awesome is this!?! So happy for you Sarah!


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