Sunday, July 6, 2014

Back to School Sales and Vegas Prep

This post is a bunch of random. My mind can't sit still-sorry!

Random Thought #1

I just got back from a fabulous mini family vacation in MI. It was so much fun. There is just something special about lounging in chairs beside the lake while watching the boats pass by. 

Relaxing. Peaceful. Perfect. 

Random Thought #2
I am currently trying to make my lists and pack for Vegas because I leave Tuesday, and I AM SO EXCITED!!!! 

If you are going go Vegas for the SDE or TPT conferences and want to meet up then please send me an email! The whole event is going to be epic. I don't think that I have fully wrapped my mind around the fact that I really am getting to go. So so so excited!

Random Thought #3
Before I leave, I wanted to share some Back to School sales with you. I know it is early, but I go back to work on August 1st so I am already on the lookout for deals. 

Make sure you check your local paper for other deals. If you find others feel free to share in the comments!


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