Monday, June 9, 2014

Monday Made It

I have a funny feeling that this summer is going to be full of sitting at my computer doing homework. I keep telling myself that it will all be worth it soon! Monday Made-Its will probably be few and far between this summer, but that's okay! I do have a few to share with you today! This is one of my all time favorite link ups. Thanks, Tara from 4th Grade Frolics

It makes my heart happy to see so many teachers inspired to eat healthy and exercise. One day I will get around to posting my struggles and successes with my Graves' Disease and Thyroidectomy surgery in regards to weight gains and losses, but for now- I want to share with you an easy recipe that you can make at home to help you stay FIT and HEALHY. Teachers work super hard and oftentimes we let ourselves go because we are so focused on helping out everyone else around us. That is NOBLE and FABULOUS, but we have to remember to take care of ourselves, too. Eating healthy can be the first step. Have you ever looked at ingredients on the label of your salad dressing? Chances are-the healthy salad that you just made yourself is pretty much "done-zo" after you pour your dressing on it. The ingredients in most dressings are disgusting. So, here is a simple and healthy recipe for Italian Dressing that you can make at home in less that one minute, and it tastes amazing. 

 I have NO idea where the recipe came from. It got passed on to me. So...if this looks like your recipe please let me know so I can give you credit! :) 

Just click on the picture to download the recipe!

My second Monday Made It is my B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L. planner from the Amazing April at A Modern Teacher. I have bragged about her planners a few times before, and I wanted to share my finished product again this year. 

I was a hot mess of organized chaos during my first year of teaching. I had a notebook to jot down ideas in. I had a planner that had the monthly calendar and just enough room to scribble down a few ideas for each day, and there was a grade book/lesson plans folder that got carried around with me as well. It was organized(sorta). I looked like a crazy carrying around a bag of "stuff" with me everywhere, and it just wasn't working for me.

I went on a hunt for a planner package that was going to give me the "All-In-One" deal so that I didn't have to carry and keep up with 5 different things each day. I checked out the fancy ones that seem to be all the rage, but I just didn't feel that it had what I needed. Then, I stumbled across an IG post from April last summer showing her new planners. I checked them out on her blog, and decided to give it a try. 

I have never looked back. Here are a few reasons that I LOVE April's planner:

* Everything is laid out in a teacher-friendly format.
*She offers pages for her planner to help you connect home and school.
*She provides multiple formats and designs for you to choose from.
*It is editable which means to you type your plans and then print or customize the pages to make them meet your specific needs. 
*You can print off what you need and add other aspects with ease.
*The planners are made by a fellow teacher.
*They are extremely affordable. 

I tried to show just a few snapshots. April has a great video that really highlights all of the different forms that are now included in her planner. This year, she added new guided reading, math, and writing forms to her planner. I can't wait to use them.

I am in LOVE with mine. I now have my calendar, plans, grade book, and other important everyday documents in ONE cute, affordable, and customized spiral planner. 

If you are looking for a planner then I suggest you head to April's blog or TPT store for more information!

Heading over now to check out the rest of the Monday Made It posts! 


  1. LOVE this! I got one too! I got the chalkboard:) Did you have yours bound? I would love to but won't be able to because I want to type my plans and then add them to my binder:) Thanks for the recipe too! I am a month and a day in to cleaner eating and workouts with running and weights....feel great...sore...but great:) Thanks for linking up:)
    4th Grade Frolics

  2. I can't wait to try this recipe. I have been trying to get on track this summer so that I will be on track this next school year. Also love the planner. I will definitely be looking at this one closer to August.

  3. I love the planner. It's been on my wishlist.
    Did you get the bundle or just the planner? - Sydney
    Lessons Learned


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