Monday, March 24, 2014

Teacher Subway Art

I don't have an exciting post for you today. While you are reading this, I should be on the road somewhere between my home in East Tennessee and my grandfather's home in upstate New York. It's my Spring Break, and it has really been on my heart to see him. It's going to be a bitter sweet mini-trip. I am going to walk through that door expecting to see my Nana, but she won't be there. Time will make it better....time and memories.

Last week, you beautiful educators left me lots of sweet comments about the subway art signs that I made for my teamies. You can read more about it here

So many of you asked for me to post them as a freebie so...your wish is my command! Head on over and like my fb page to receive the FB Fan freebie.

I hope you know how valued you are. 

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I LOVE hearing from you! Thanks for leaving me a note! :)