Friday, January 3, 2014


I am slightly addicted to new apps and love discovering fun ways to use them in my classroom. I get really excited when I find an app to use that is going to allow students to be in control of their own learning experiences. Don't get me wrong...I love the simple "game" format apps, but I think apps that allow a lot of room for creativity and exploration are even better. So..I just HAVE to share one of my new favorite apps with you.

What is ThingLink?
ThingLink is a FREE web-based program that allows you to make images come alive by embedding links within the image. It also has an app that can be downloaded to an Andriod or Apple device. The program is very user friendly, and you can create interactive images for your students to use within minutes!

How can it be used as a classroom tool?
The classroom possibilities with this app are endless. Next week, students in my classroom will begin their research on penguins. My kiddos will be using Thinglink to help them explore and record information on penguins that they will need to help them write a report on these animals.

I like to present the app in two ways. One, is to let a small group explore the interactive image together on the Smartboard. The second option is to allow the students to navigate the image individually on an iPad. The students can explore the "touches" or dots in any order or you can create an image that has numbers included so they know which touches they should explore first. 

Here is an interactive one that I created to help my students learn more about penguins.Try it out! Have some fun. Let me know if you use it differently!

Hope this app sparks creativity in your classroom!


  1. This is awesome Sarah! I can't wait to use this in my classroom {one day, when I have a smart board or iPads :)}.

  2. I loved this idea and have the app slated for the next student update. I created a thinglink for a book extension to the book Chocolate Covered Ants. Would it be okay to link up your post to an app sharing linky of mine?

    Teaching Tales Along the Yellow Brick Road

  3. This is really cool! Do your students have iPads? I have a smart board I could try it out with.

    Literacy Spark

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