Monday, September 16, 2013

The Textset Library

If you know me then you know that I am an avid trade books lover. 

If you don't know me then...Hi! My name is Sarah, and I am addicted to trade books. 

My love for trade books means that I spend a lot of time and energy reading children's literature, grouping books into "sets", and determining what Common Core skills and strategies can be applied to specific texts so that I can use them to supplement a lot of the instruction across my various content curriculums.

Using text sets in the classroom provide teachers with the opportunity to reach out to students' interests, expose them to nonfiction texts, and    advance their knowledge about the important individuals who have impacted our world. I just love, love, love all of the opportunities that texts can provide my students. 

So you can imagine my excitement when the creators of the new site asked me to post a text set! I chose to post a mini text set about biographies. Recently, I have come across some new biographies and just had to share them with you!

Hop on over to The Textset Library and check out several great text sets that educators have already posted! And, while your at it...add one of your own!

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