Monday, August 26, 2013

Registration Day

School is back in swing for me here in East Tennessee, and the first few days came and went so fast that it all seems like a blur now! I am always amazed at how that seems to happen. I feel like I am finally finding my "school groove"....thank goodness! I am a little behind on the back to school activities so I am going to play catch up and share some first day goodies with you!

Registration Day

For me, registration day is a lot like the "meet the teacher" nights that many districts host. My school does a registration morning where the students arrive at school to learn who their new teacher is, see the class list, meet the teacher, fill out paperwork and then head back home to enjoy the last few hours of summer break.

I get really nervous and excited on registration day! There is something special about greeting those new students as they walk through the door and meet you for the first time. I also really enjoy meeting the family members that stop by as well. I always strive to create a classroom atmosphere that is inviting and try to provide my families with information and tools that they can take home with them from day one.

Here are some snap shots that I managed to snag before I met my new families for the first time! I am not very creative on my own. So many of the ideas that you see in the pictures are from my talented teacher friends and idols.

I am kinda in love with how cute this banner turned out. In fact, I will admit that it is still hanging in my room....two and a half weeks later. I might as well keep it up through open house tonight. Grab this banner here

I bought this little gem while on my first Ikea excursion last month. My handwriting is kind of a hot mess so this is as fancy as I get. Still, love how I can use it to write notes and reminders!

I am obsessed with being organized so I loved it when Reagan Tunstall blogged about her station signs. I used a similar version in my room this year, and it worked out wonderfully!! I had five parent information stations at registration-
1)Pick up student information packet and paperwork. 
2) Fill out transportation information. 
3) Contact information( email list and Remind 101). 
4) Meet the Teacher- Families picked up a packet all about Ms. Young!
 5) Treat yourself- students and parents picked up their back to school gifts from me!

My kiddos and I have introduced ourselves, learned new classroom procedures, adjusted to the new daily scheduled and are now ready to dig in to the new curriculum. I have such a sweet group of students this year. I am already attached to them and cannot wait to see what the year has in store for us. Tonight is Open House! Wish me luck! And, I am sending happy thoughts to all of my teacher friends who start school today or go back to school soon! Have a FABULOUS start to your year!!

Ready or we come 2013!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Sarah, it looks like you are having a great start!!! I love the goodies you made for your kids!! So cute!! :)

    All Things Apple in 2nd


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