Monday, August 12, 2013

Meet the Teacher Monday

So this is my first post in over two weeks and even now I am rushing to actually be able to post the Monday Blog Hoppin' edition on Monday. 

I went back to work last Monday and the first day of school was Thursday..not to mention that the few days before that were a crazy blur of moving into the new building, unpacking, and throwing things up on the wall. Literally....throwing. You think I am kidding...I wish I was. 

That would also be why I have not posted any pictures of the new room....yet. I think my mind went into panic mode to just get the room "student ready" so I feel like it is lacking...a lot. I am thinking that I may need to post pictures anyways to get advice from all you crafty folks out there on improvements that I can make. 

Yea..I like that idea. 
(Sneak peek of room) is Monday. I am still exhausted from the back to school craziness so what better way to relax than to join the ladies over at Blog Hoppin' for their annual Teacher Week '13!?!

Today's topic is Meet the Teacher Monday. Here are 10 things about me that you may or may not want to know about me. 

1. I love my job. Seriously....I am in love with teaching. There is no other job out there that can match what we educators do. I will be the first to admit that I had NO idea what I was getting myself into when I walked into my first classroom three years ago. There is so much more to the job than what they can teach you in college. But, I haven't regretted a single moment and am so blessed at the opportunity. 
 (Teachers take 1st day of school pictures, too!)

2. I love sweet tea. Yes...this is so important that it gets to be #2 on my list. For example...I had not one but TWO large sweet tea's from McDonald's today. I wish I was lying..really I do. I hope my kickboxing instructor/fitness trainer doesn't read this blog or I am in serious trouble. 

3. I am addicted to sleep. I am that person who sets 8 alarms and doesn't even budge until the last alarm goes off. It drives my family crazy. 

4. My dog is my "baby". He has the biggest brown eyes that I swear can just stare right through me. I talk about him and share so many pictures at work that even my students are in love with my dog. In fact, one of my students from last year actually wrote me a letter today asking if Hero could come to 3rd grade with him. No. You cannot have my baby, but I may send him down the hall to visit!

(My little man)

5. I miss coaching. I swam on a competitive swim team for 9 years and loved every minute of it. I went on to coach the same team for 5 years as well as a local high school team. I loved it. I miss it. Maybe one day when I have more time (ha ha) I will get back into the coaching scene. 

(Picture of a picture! This is my younger brother and me. My mom actually had to force us to take this "coach" picture.) 

6. My favorite color is purple. Any shade. I am obsessed. If I can accessorize something with purple then I do. Love. It.

7. I dislike shopping. I wanted to use the word "hate" but that sounded too harsh.  I also cannot stand to try on clothes. I would rather wash dishes than go shopping. I know.....I get weird looks every time I admit this.

8. I am terrified of scary movies. I refuse to watch them. The new trailer on TV for The Conjuring freaks. me. out!!!!! 

9. I don't like birthday cake. I haven't had a "real" birthday cake since I was 5 or 6. Instead, we do cheesecake..or cookie cake..or ice cream..or all three. My grandparents actually had a cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory sent in dry ice delivered to me for my 18th birthday. I know..I am spoiled.

10. I hate packing my lunch. PLEASE tell me I am not alone in this. This kind of goes with #3 and my addiction to sleep. I tell myself that I am going to wake up with enough time to pack my lunch, but I sleep too long in the morning to do it. :)

Well..there ya go. 10 random Meet the Teacher facts. Happy Monday. Tomorrow is Classroom Tour. Eeek!!


  1. Too cute! I can relate to number 8! You'll get that classroom decked-out at some point, for now, it looks so clean and simple :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Let's have a comment redo! Hi! I found your blog through blog hoppin and just had to share that YOUR #1 is the exact same feelings I have about teaching as well! I am so glad there are others who feel the same way!

    I have started following you on bloglovin! I look forward to reading more of your blog!

    <a href=">Anchored in the Middle</a>

  4. Love your post! And I love that I now know that I'm not the only girl in the world who doesn't shop for fun!:)


    1. Oh girl..I HATE shopping! But, I love dressing up for work. I doesn't make sense! :)

  5. I'm a Tennessee teacher who misses coaching swimming too!
    Love your blog!


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