Monday, July 22, 2013

Shopping Spree and a Little Monday Made It

I have a slight confession to make...I have to cover my eyes and slowly take a peek through my hand when checking my bank account now. Why? Because I am officially in back to school shopping mode(ha I ever STOP shopping for my classroom) and I am just too chicken to look at my statement full force and see the damage. Teacher problems, anyone?

-----> It will be okay! I am going to comfort myself with all of the new goodies that I brought home from IKEA this past weekend. The closest one to mi casa is a good 4 hours away, but I hopped in my trusty Honda and headed to Charlotte! I fell in love instantly. I could have spent the whole day there and am already planning another trip with some of my teamies at work.

Here are some of the things that I got! 

Some adorable standing photo frames ...

....that I made into table signs! Click here for the downloadable version from my TPT store. 

I also snagged some of these colorful 8 x 10 frames and put Hope King's inspirational signs in them. I can't decide exactly where I am going to place these in my classroom yet. In truth...I don't know whee I am going to put anything!

While at Ikea, I purchased some other goodies that I can't wait to show you once I can get into my room. 

Earlier in the week, I happened to be at Lowes and wandered trough the lawn and garden. All of a sudden....I wanted to throw together something flowery to sit outside of my classroom. So...this happened. Hopefully, my student gardeners can keep it alive....poor Mother Nature knows she can't leave me responsible for keeping a plant alive!! 

Now, I am heading over to see the other Monday projects and get some more ideas! 
Happy Monday!!


  1. I love the standing frames and the colorful ones too, looks like a trip to IKEA is in my future!

  2. I want to go to Ikea, but if I stick one more thing in my classroom, my students will have to be stacked on top of one another. You got some great stuff!
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

  3. You have been busy! I'm in love with your table signs! Your IKEA finds are great, too and I'll have to check back to see how you use these in your classroom.


  4. Oh how I wish I were closer to an IKEA! I so love that place...:) All your projects look fabulous and I can;t wait to see them in your classroom. I'm your newest follower!

    Keep Calm & Imagine

  5. Look's like I will be headed to Ikea soon! Thanks for the inspiration! Your signs look awesome!
    Teaching 3rd with Mr G

  6. Definitely inspired to take a trip to Ikea! The closest one to me is also four hours away! Love your chevron table signs! So cute!

    First Grade Frenzy

  7. Love your shopping spree! Is that pink chair form IKEA???!!!! I may have to go on a little spree of my own!
    Head Over Heels For Teaching

  8. I need to go to IKEA. The closest is ... 90 minutes, I think? I've seen those tabletop frames and think they'd make fun school library displays. I love the colored ones even more but we don't have any walls. :P

    Good luck with the flowers!

  9. I love all of your Ikea purchases!! I have been drooling over that pink chair since last year when the teacher across the hall from me got one! LOVE it!!! I really want a hanging plant outside of my room. I have a door in my room that goes out to our school garden and there is already a plant hook hanging.. just needs a pretty plant! I'm not sure I'm capable of keeping it alive though haha!

    That's So Second Grade!


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