Monday, July 15, 2013

Lunch Choice Clipboard

So this is a double whammy today....a guest blog feature AND a Monday Made It project all in one! Yay!!

Do you know Michelle from Apples and ABC's? 

Michelle is an amazing kinder blogger who is currently touring Europe(I am so jealous...aren't you???) and she asked me to do a guest post for her.

Hop on over to Michelle's blog and check out my post about my 
Monday-Made It. I get all crafty and share how I keep track of my lunch count each day.

 Happy Monday...summer Mondays are the best thanks to Farley and her awesome linky party!


  1. Sending your love from Nice, France!!! Thank you so much for guest blogging while I'm gone!!

  2. Hi! I'm stopping by from Michelle's blog! LOVE your clipboard! :)

    Happy to be a new follower!
    A Sunny Day in First Grade

  3. What a great way to do lunch count...takes up less room! I'm nominating your for the Liebster Award. It's an award for blogs with less than 200 followers. You can read my post to find out more!


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