Friday, June 28, 2013

Five for Friday

I am linking up for the first time with Doodle Bugs Teaching for her awesome Five for Friday linky party! My week has been pretty calm. I am taking advantage of the calm before the storm though because I leave for a family visit in NY next week and won't be back until the middle of July! Not to mention that sometime during my visit, my new learning cottage will hopefully be installed and then school starts just two weeks after that. July is going to be CRAY CRAY!

Our small town just got an Ollie's. It is a bargain store a lot like Savers. I am excited because it has an awesome book section! I scored big on my first visit there. I might have a slight addiction when it comes to buying books for my classroom. I don't want to even think about how much that little old library of mine has cost me in the last three years! :)

I'm sorry. I just HAD to throw in a picture of my little man. Is he not just adorable??? My poor Instagram friends get to see pictures of him all the time! I was specially told by my family that just because Instagram now allows videos does NOT mean that I can put videos of Hero on there. Sad face :(

Grad school. Need I say more? Research, research, papers, research, project, papers, research. Yea!!

 I love making freebies. Really, I do. And what I love even more about making those freebies is when someone takes the time to leave me a sweet comment on them! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I know it is easy to just download the item and not leave any feedback. I have been guilty of this in the past, too! But, lots of teachers take a lot of time to make those freebies. Please take a minute to leave them some love on their free products?!
Click here(posters) and here(bookmark) to check out the freebies.

Speaking of freebies....I posted two Common Core Math freebies this week on my TPT account. Go check them out! 

Happy Friday and have a FANTABULOUS weekend!!


  1. Yes, we also love getting feedback on freebies. Grad school is a lot of work, isn't it?!?!
    Tamra and Sarah
    First Grade Buddies

    1. Tamra and Sarah,

      No joke! Grad school..schmad school! But, it is all worth it in the end! Thanks for stopping by!


  2. Hi sarah,
    Love the chevron blog design - I'm your newest follower!!
    Traditions, Laughter and Happily Ever After

    1. Vicky,

      Thanks for following! I am on my way to head over and check out you blog now!


  3. Your comment about grad school... I know what you mean! I am ONE week away from being finished with my masters and cannot wait!

    1. Lana,

      Congratulations!!!! I am still about a year and a half out!



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