I still can't wrap my mind around the fact that it is now September. That means fall is right around the corner, and I am just not ready to let go of summer yet. Check out the last sunset of August! It was beautiful!
I am linking up with Farley and her Currently post to share what is going on in the life of A Rocky Top Teacher at the moment.
Listening- I have been grading papers and working on lessons plans for most of the morning. I find that listening to some Adele and Norah always help create a calm and positive mood!
Loving- It's the truth! I love my new class. We have been together for 16 days now. They work really well together, are eager to learn, and are full of lots of energy. I can't wait to see where this school year takes us. I know that we are going to accomplish BIG, AMAZING things together!
Thinking- My second grade team will be presenting at our district's professional development session tomorrow. We are sharing our best practices for word study skills because our grade level did really well on our assessments in the category. I LOVE presenting, and it is even more fun when you get to do it with your colleagues.
Wanting- I really want to take my dog, Hero, for a run. It has been almost an entire week since I have gotten in my workouts. It has been way to warm to hit the pavement at my usual time after school, and last week's CRAZY schedule made me miss my kickboxing classes. I am thinking that Hero needs to get out of the house, too. Maybe we will sneak in a trip to the dog park today!
Needing- I woke up pretty early today to start working on the to-do list that got a little out of control last week. I have been checking off lots of items so hopefully that will get finished today!
3 Trips- I have never been to Italy. The fiancé' and I are thinking about making that our honeymoon destination. New Orleans is a U.S. city that I haven't made it to yet, and I am obsessed with British history so I would LOVE to make a trip to England.
Have you linked up yet? I am taking my lesson planning break and heading over to check out some of the other posts! Thanks, again Farley for hosting such a fun linky!

Hi Sarah,
ReplyDeleteI feel like you with the workouts....it's been my second week of school and I have not been able to make time for me. I'm hoping this week is different, and I can get back on the grind!
Congrats on your new class, I love mine too! Wishing you a great new school year!
-Lovely Nina
Lovely Nina Designs
Hi Sarah,
ReplyDeleteA good group of students makes all the difference for each year. It's one of my favorite things to watch them actually work together and see how they communicate to accomplish a task. Good luck tomorrow on your presentation.
Hi Sarah,
ReplyDeleteI love your blog and the apple background is too cute! I should add England and New Orleans to my vacation list too! I always hear such wonderful things about those places. Good luck on your district presentation...I always feel so nervous presenting in front of peers! Oh, and I am your newest follower!
A LoveLi Class
Oh my word your doggie is so cute!!!