Sunday, June 9, 2013

A Little Bit About Me and Linky Party!

Good Morning! 

I really REALLY appreciate those that stopped by my blog and those that sent emails and Instagram  love over the weekend! It just fueled my fire to hop into the blogging world that much more. Since I have been blog stalking loving for a few years now, I feel like I know several of you out there. So, I wanted to share some random facts about me on the blog today! 

A Little Bit About Me

10 Quick Facts
1. I am an East Tennessee native! I was born here and cannot imagine living anywhere else(Okay...maybe I could be talked into moving to the beach).  My blog title "A Rocky Top Teacher" references my love for the Vol Nation and good old Rocky Top!

2. I graduated from East Tennessee State University with my degree in Elementary Education and am now going back to school for my Master's Degree in Educational Leadership. 

3. I swam competitively for 9 years. Swimming has and continues to be one of the best family bonding experiences that my family has had together. I went on to coach the same team that I swam for for 5 years before leaving it to start my teaching career.

4. My family means the world to me. I would not be where I am today without their love, support, and guidance. 

5.  I have a super fun and supportive boyfriend. He is my rock!

6. This little guy is like my child. Hero is a Bichon Frise. I just LOVE him. If you follow me on Instagram then you have already seen a zillion pictures of Hero. Sorry about that...

7. I read. A lot.  It gives me the mental break that I need after a long work day! There is nothing better than curling up on the couch with a book, some sweet tea, and my puppy!

8. I am addicted to coffee and sweet tea. I have to jump start my mornings with coffee and make it through the afternoon with sweet tea! 

9. Hugh Jackman is my dream celebrity..because you just NEEDED to know that! :)

10. My recent workout addiction is Piloxing. It is a workout class that combines Pilates, Boxing, and Dance together. Have you tried it? You should! 

To wrap up today's post, I wanted to participate in  Halle's summer linky party: a few of my favorite things!  This week's theme is morning must haves.

I already told you that I am addicted to coffee so this little coffee pot is my BFF in the morning! And, I am notorious for loving hit the alarm snooze five times in the morning. So, I don't always get to make my coffee at home. THANK GOODNESS that my school just purchased one of these beautiful babies and now I can grab a cup at work! 

And, another big morning must have is my iPhone! My iPhone is the first thing that I use in the morning to check email(I have to see what deals are on Groopdeals and Very Jane for the day!), Facebook, Instagram, you name it. Technology is so addicting is it not? 

Thanks for stopping by the blog today! Have a great Sunday! 

<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>


  1. Hi Sarah! Welcome to the blog world. I like your blog name. I lived in Knoxville for two years. I miss the mountains down there. Look forward to reading more of your blog. Hope you can stop by.


    Curious Firsties

    1. Thank you so much! There is nothing like the ET mountains!!

  2. So glad I found your cute new blog!! Piloxing sounds like a lot of fun.. Not sure if there are any classes for it near me though! I'm looking forward to following your blog -- enjoy your summer!!

    That's So Second Grade!

    1. Ashley,

      I totally recommend it! It is still fairly new, but I hear that there are new instructors popping up all over the place! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. I take TONS of pictures of my dog too!

    Thanks so much for linking up :)

    Across the Hall in 2nd Grade

    1. Halle,

      Thanks for letting me link up to your linky party! It was fun!


  4. I found your blog via the Favorite Things linky- I'm also a [former] competitive swimmer turned teacher! What a coincidence!


    1. Melissa,

      I just hopped over and read your post! I need that water bottle! :) Swimming is THE best sport around. No one can convince me otherwise. Glad to meet someone who understands that AND teaching! Thanks for stopping by.


  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. SO happy to have found you & your super cute blog!! I am a HUGE Vol fan (mildly obsessive) and my bichon, Max, happens to be the cutest thing ever. So excited to follow you!! :)

    First Grade Fairytales

    1. OMG Kelly!! Can we be best friends? Teachers, bloggers, VOLS lovers, AND Bichon owners!! AMAZE! !!!!


  7. So glad I found your blog. I am new to the blogging world even though I have been blog stalking for awhile too! I am from east Tennessee and also went to ETSU. I am following you on bloglovin now, and Id love for you to visit my blog.



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